This study appraised how media convergence and emerging ICT revolution can be utilized to create an ideal condition where hitherto single media approach lack the capability and capacity to penetrate. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5 emphasized the achievement of gender equality, empowerment, and the elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls. However, it is argued in this work that the fundamental objective of the SDGs 5 may not reach the target audience, particularly in Nigeria if a conscious effort is not made to domesticate it in Nigeria. This presupposition is premised on the fact that some of the items of the SDGs 5 are age-long practices, such as female genital mutilation (FGM). It therefore, becomes difficult to achieve an easy diffusion of the messages, either because the mechanism or channel of information deployed in reaching the audience is fraught with incomprehension or that the agents lack the expertise or know-how to reach targets. Domesticating the SDGs 5 in Nigeria can be achieved if the appropriate media mix, which means convergence of multi-media channels especially the trado-modern media is deployed. It is the position of this paper that given the salience of creating an ideal condition for the well-being, development and empowerment of women and the girl-child, domesticating the SDGs 5 in Nigeria becomes imperative. It further notes that the convergence of trado-modern media has the tendency to enhance a wide spread diffusion of media messages to impactfully create a far-reaching panacea for the empowerment and development of women.
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