The main purpose of this study was to assess the Supervision Related Challenges on the Implementation of National Policy on Secondary Education in Anambra State, Nigeria . The design of this study was descriptive survey. In an attempt to focus the study properly, one (1) research question and one (1) null hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. Population of study was 263 school principals and 338 senior staff of State Education Management Board (SEMB) in Anambra State Nigeria. A sample size of 183 including 76 principals and 107 senior staff of SEMB in Anambra state, Nigeria were used. A 12 -item instrument titled ‘Supervision Related Challenges on the Implementation of National Policy on Secondary Education Questionnaire (SRCNPSEQ)” developed by the researcher was used for the study. The instrument was validated by two experts and the reliability test was determined using Cronbach Alpha Statistic which yielded the reliability coefficients of 0.86 for the instrument, and also considered adequate for the study. The instrument was administered to the respondents with the aid of one trained research assistants and was collected at maximum interval of a day. Data collected were analyzed with the aid of mean and standard deviation for the research question and independent t-test for the hypothesis. Findings of the study showed that there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of Principals and Senior Staff of State Education Management Board (SEMB) on the supervision related challenges on the implementation of the National Policy on Secondary Education in Anambra State Nigeria. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends among others that, Principals should be trained and retrained on how to effectively supervise schools and discharge this responsibilities, and that adequate fund should be provided for External supervision from State Education Management Board (SEMB).
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