Felix Olajide Talabi (PhD), Sunday Zechariah Olanihun


Studies have shown that media coverage affects how the public learns, understands, or thinks about an issue. Therefore, this study examined the newspaper coverage pattern of the re-arrests of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB). The study aims at identifying the genre of stories, prominence, frame, and space allocated to the levels. The study was anchored on media framing and frustration-aggression theories. For this investigation, content analysis was used. Samples were drawn from select newspapers (The Nation and Vanguard). This study's duration was the first four months of Nnamdi Kanu's re-arrests, June 26 to September 2022, and the last two months of conducting the research, which is December and January 2022. The population of the study comprised all 289 editions. The findings show that newspapers have news stories dominating the re-arrests of Nnamdi Kanu in their publication, with slight prominence in the front-page lead. Another result shows that the Vanguard allocated more space to the coverage of the re-arrests of Nnamdi Kanu. The study, therefore, recommends that Nigerian journalists should always critically interpret and investigate issues in crises instead of depending on straight news stories. Interpretative features will help provide a more detailed report of a topic, like the re-arrests of Nnamdi Kanu.


Newspaper, coverage pattern, re-arrests, Nnamdi Kanu

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