Anthony Chinyere Okoye (PhD), Ifeanyi Christian Azubike


The need to ensure improved teaching of business subjects necessitated this study. The study ascertained the use of new technologies in teaching business subjects in public secondary schools in Onitsha Education zone, Anambra State. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive Survey design was used for the study and 183 business subjects teachers were studied without sampling. Structured questionnaire containing 20 items was used for data collection andface and content validity of the instrument was established using three experts in the field of education. The internal consistency of the instrument was established using test retest and data collected was calculated using Cronbach alpha formula and coefficient values of 0.66 and 0.94obtained for clusters B1 and B2 respectively with overall index of 0.80. One hundred and seventy four (174) out of 183copies of questionnaire administered were duly completed and retrieved with the help of five research assistants. Mean, standard deviation and t-test were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that business subjects’ teachers in secondary schools in Onitsha Education Zone used power point and smart board classroom in teaching business subjects to a low extent. Gender and school location did not significantly influence respondents’ mean ratings on the extent of use of power point and smart board classroom in teaching business subjects in public secondary schools. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concluded that business subjects teachers do not adequately use power point and smart board classroom in teaching business subjects in secondary schools in Onitsha education zone of Anambra State. It was recommended thatstate government should provide secondary schools in the State with power point and smart board classroomtechnologies to enable teachers use them for effective teaching of business subjects. 


New Technologies, Power Point, and Smart Board Classroom and Business Subjects

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