J. Fajoye Ayomide, Moyosore Alade (PhD), Omipidan Ismail


This study investigates the influence of Snapchat filters on self-rejection among young adults in Nigeria. With the increasing popularity and widespread usage of social media platforms, particularly Snapchat, the impact of augmented reality filters on individuals' self-perception and self-esteem has become a subject of concern.To gather important information for this research, the utilization of focus group discussions (FGD) will be employed.Using the cluster sampling technique eight group interviews were conducted in the Redeemer's University while each department was represented by five participants. Findings revealed that Snapchat is commonly used and prevalent among respondents. Findings also revealed that constant use of Snapchat filters may distort one's perception of their own appearance and may lead to a lack of self-acceptance i.e., self-rejection.In conclusion, Snapchat filters can be a fun and creative way for users to enhance their visual content. However, excessive use of these filters can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Therefore, it's vital to educate users on the potential downsides and promote self-acceptance to help mitigate the negative effects of Snapchat filters.However, it is essential to encourage self-love and acceptance, regardless of one's physical appearance. Undergraduates should be aware of the potential negative impacts of excessive usage of these filters and understand the importance of self-love.


Snapchat filters, augmented reality, self-rejection, self-perception, young adults,Nigeria.

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