Lots of states in Nigeria have continued to face myriads of challenges where it concerns security governance. This challenge is as a result of corruption, poor government polices and prebendal politics that is making round in contemporary Nigerian politics. As such, this study examined State government and Security Governance in Anambra State 2014-2023. The essence is to assess the efforts made by the state government from 2014 – 2023 in promoting security and governance in the state. To that extent, this study is guided by the research objectives drawn from the broad objective. They included to: (a) examine the major challenges of achieving security governance in Anambra state. Methodologically, the study employed mixed research design utilising descriptive survey (questionnaire and interview) with a projected population of 5, 915, 804 million in Anambra state. The sample size is 400 drawn from Taro Yemane and 323 were retrieved and analysed using SPSS package. Thus, the study discovered that (a) Corruption, highhandedness and poor security architecture are major challenges of achieving security governance in Anambra state. The study thus recommends that Government should endeavour to reduce corruption and the cost of governance in Anambra state so as to provide basic needs of the people and also be more engaging so that they can reach out to the grass root for a lasting solution to state problems on security and governance.
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