This study investigated the relationship between library services provision and use of resources by undergraduate students in federal university libraries, South-South Nigeria. The study was guided by four (4) objectives, four (4) research questions and four (4) hypotheses. The study adopted pure correlational research design and was conducted in university libraries within the South-South region of the country in Nigeria. The population for the study consisted of all library users from Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences in the six federal universities from the six South-South states under study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled “Library Services Provision and Use of Resources by Undergraduate Students (LSURUSQ)”. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). The findings of the study showed that that there is significant relationship between user education services and utilization of resources by undergraduate students in Federal University libraries in South-South geo-political region of Nigeria [(P=0.0000; p<0.05)]; further findings showed that that there is significant relationship between provision of internet services and undergraduates’ utilization of resources in Federal University libraries in South-South geo-political region of Nigeria [(P=0.0000; p<0.05)]. Based on the findings, it was concluded that provision of library services such as user education services, internet services, reprographic services and current awareness services relates significantly to the utilization of library resources by undergraduates in Federal University Libraries in South-South, Nigeria.
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