Cultural events, such as festivals and social activities, hold the power to draw regional, national, and international attention to communities that have developed their cultural assets for tourism. These events can transform localities into global destinations by leveraging a trinity of attractions encompassing natural, man-made, and cultural components. This study focuses on the cultural assets of the Uburu community and their potential for revitalizing the Aju Cultural Festival to promote tourism. The Uburu community boasts diverse attractions, including Umunaga and Ogwo beaches and the salt lake (Mmahi), which could complement the Aju festival and enrich the tourism experience. Moreover, recent infrastructural progressions, including an improved road network, alongside the establishment of Kings David Federal University of Medical Sciences, serve as additional draws for visitors. Employing ethnographic techniques, this research gathers pertinent insights from the study area. Through a thorough analysis of the collected data, the study proposes strategies to reinvigorate the Aju festival and harness its potential for tourism promotion. In conclusion, this abstract provides a quick look into the exploration of resuscitating the Aju Cultural Festival for tourism advancement in the Uburu community. By tapping into the inherent cultural assets and contemporary developments, the community can potentially create a vibrant cultural tourism experience that appeals to a diverse range of visitors.
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