Obianuju Jane-Frances Ikpeamaonwu, Allen Adum (PhD), Chioma Agbasimelo (PhD)


In this research on “The role of publicity  in personal brand creation among womenprenuers in Anambra State, the researcher sought to find out the various ways publicity has help womenprenuers in Anambra state to create a brand for themselves and the insights into branding practices and the perception of publicity influence.The researcher had three objectives :To find out the extent to which womenprenuers in Anambra state use publicity, To discover the various kinds of publicity used by womenprenuers in Anambra state and  To establish how the use of publicity by womenprenuers promotes the creation of their personal brands. For these objectives to be achieved, the researcher adopted the survey design, determined the samples (399) she studied using Meyer’s sample size determination formula and randomly selected them for this study from the 19 womenprenuers out of three local government that falls under the three senatorial zones in Anambra State. She used a reliable and valid questionnaire that was formed using 5-point Likert Scale to rightly measure the research variables of this study and answer her research questions. Frequencies, tables, simple percentages, pie charts and the arithmetic mean scores of the responses of the respondents, were used to analyze the findings of this study which are that strategic publicity positively shapes personal brands and empowers womenprenuers in Anambra state by expanding reach, improving credibility and spurring sales growth, critically supporting brand visibility, market penetration and commercialization. Based on the findings of the researcher, she recommended that womenprenuers should adopt integrated publicity strategies utilizing both online platforms like social Amelia as well as traditional offline platforms and the government should create specialized initiatives to build women entrepreneurs’ publicity skills and brand awareness capabilities.


Womenprenuers, personal brand, publicity

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