Entertainment marketing is the promotion of products and services, with entertainment as the primary vehicle for delivering the advertising message. It is an effective means of marketing a brand in such a way as to thrill target markets and motivate them to try the promoted brand. The study was undertaken to evaluate the usefulness of entertainment marketing by way of examining consumers’ experience and perception of it. The study was anchored on Uses and Gratifications Theory. Survey research design was adopted. Empirical data was collected at Tansian University Umunya from a sample of 338 regular undergraduate students by administering questionnaire to them. Tables with percentages were used to present and statistically analyze the data. The study found a high rate of exposure to social media entertainment skits. It also found high prevalence rate of entertainment marketing inigeria. Popular social media platforms for product placement were Facebook, WhatsApp, Tiktok, Instagram, and YouTube. The result also showed that consumers perceive entertainment marketing as an effective marketing strategy. The study found that entertainment marketing has a significant impact on consumer purchase decisions. One of the recommendations is that social media content creators should do their best to reward their audiences.
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