Juliet Ijeoma Amaechi-Chijioke, Prof. O. B. Enemuo, Phibian Ekwutosi Ibe, Prof. C. O. Obinwanne


This study determine strategies of achieving food safety and hygiene practices among food vendors in tertiary Institutions in Abia state, Nigeria Specifically, the study identified the standard food  safety and hygiene practices among food vendors  and the influence of environment on food safety and hygiene among food vendors in the study area.  Survey research method was adopted to achieve these objectives. The study was guided by two research questions and one hypothesis. Structured questionnaire and observational checklist were used to assess the food safety and hygiene practices among food vendors. The study population comprises of all the registered food vendors of the selected tertiary institutions in Abia State. Convenience sampling techniques was adopted for the study. A sample size of 268 registered food vendors were adopted for the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and means were used to analyze demographic variables and research questions, while multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 significant level. Findings of the study revealed that washing of hands before and after food preparation, wearing apron and other protective clothing while cooking, not sneezing or coughing over food, not talking much during preparation  of food  among others are the standard food safety and hygiene practices expected in food vending facilities. The study concludes that management of tertiary instructions to sensitize and educate food vendors on preparing and serving a healthy food to consumers. The findings also revealed that increase in sales, business expansion/size, good reputation, return patronage, income generation among others are the vendor’s environment on customer’s choice of food vendors. The study concludes that it is the responsibility of the management of tertiary instructions to sensitize and educate food vendors on preparing and serving a healthy food to consumers. Disciplinary actions should be put place by management of various tertiary institutions to non-adherence of standard food safety and hygiene practices.


Foodsafety, Hygiene, Foodvendor ,Institution, Food ,environment

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