Toye Manuwa (PhD)


This paper examines the role of lobbying and interest groups in shaping public policy in Nigeria. It argues that lobbying and interest groups can be either drivers or obstacles of policy change, depending on the nature of their interests, strategies, and interactions with other actors. The paper uses literature review method of approach to analyze influence of lobbying and interest groups on policy-making processes in Nigeria. It analyzes the motives, strategies, and objectives of these actors, as well as how their activities impact policy formulation and implementation. From the research argument, the paper suggests that lobbying and interest groups often serve as both drivers and obstacles to policy change in Nigeria. They are catalysts for policy amendments by advocating for specific issues and mobilizing public support. Their persuasive abilities and organizational strength allow them to shape legislative agendas and promote their agenda within decision-making circles. On the other hand, interest groups and lobbying activities can also impede policy change in Nigeria. In some cases, powerful interest groups resist reforms that may pose a threat to their economic or political interests. This resistance can create significant challenges for policymakers as they navigate competing demands and pressures from different interest groups. The study concludes that while lobbying and interest groups have the potential to drive policy change in Nigeria, there is a need for checks and balances to ensure that the policy-making process is fair, transparent, and representative of the broader interests of society. The paper offers recommendations for improving the effectiveness and transparency of the policy-making process in Nigeria.


Lobby, interest groups, policy change, drivers, obstacles

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