This research is on "the influence of televised violence on emotional and academic adjustment of students in federal tertiary institutions in Anambra. " The research objectives are; to ascertain :he effect of televised violence on social adjustment of students in federal tertiary institutions in Anambra State, to examine the influence of televised-violence on emotional adjustment of students in federal tertiary institutions in Anambra State, to determine the effect of televised-violence on the academic performance of students in federal tertiary institutions in Anambra State and to ascertain the extent of violent television programme that increase crime rate in federal tertiary institutions in Anambra State. The research study adopted the cultivation theory and social cognitive theory as the theoretical framework for this study. The researcher made use of both primary and secondary means of data collection. The population of the study comprises 15000 students of Federal Polytechnic Oho, while Taro Yamane formula was used to arrive on 390 sample size. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentage method while Chi-square was used to test the hypotheses. The research-work made some of the following findings; mat there is significant effect of televised violence on social adjustment of students, the influence of televised violence on the academic and emotional adjustment is significant, that there is influence of televised-violence on emotional adjustment of students, that violent television programme increase crime rate in campus and that students who are heavy viewers spend their study time on television viewing and thus perform badly academically. Television violence therefore has negative influence n the youths who are heavily exposed. It was recommended that; television programme producers should consider the use of quarreling (vulgar abuse and harmless physical contact) as a better way of expressing anger, or setting disputes in their television productions. The use of guns and live ammunition on television programmes should be discouraged by producers, regular enlightenment programmes and seminars should be organized by authorities of tertiary institutions to educate and enlighten youths on the dangers of exposure to television violence. Teachers should try to reduce the viewing time of the students by mapping out and giving them assignments regularly. More so the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) should set up guidelines that will limit the amount of television violence aired to the audience, which the youths constitute a great number.
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