Ubogu Festus Elugom (PhD)


The study examines the impact of foreign Direct Investment on Standard of living in Nigeria for periods 1986-2021 Foreign investment has become the most important source of external flow to developing and underdeveloped countries over the year and has shown a significant part of capital formation and accumulation in these countries, through their share in the global distribution. The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of FDI on standard of living in Nigeria. Ordinary least square (OLS) method of data analysis was adopted. The data was sourced from CBN statistical bulletin vol. 27 2018. The variables were petroleum foreign investment, Agriculture FDI, manufacturing FDI, telecommunication FDI and mining FDI and the exogenous proxies GDP. From the model, it was discovered all the variables are negative and have no significant impact on standard of living.


Standard of living, direct investment, exchange rate.

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