Obinna Ukaeje


9th November 2022 officially marked the end of the French-led Operation Barkhane in the Sahel after a diplomatic skirmish between the Military government in Mali and the French Government.  However, France’s withdrawal from the Sahel points to a decline of her influence in the Sahel while casting a shadow over international efforts to stabilize the region that has been transformed into a haven for Jihadist insurgents and transnational terrorist organizations and transnational organized criminals since the last decade. Drawing data largely from secondary sources of information and with the aid of the research technique of content analysis, the study attempted an assessment of the end of Operation Barkhane in the Sahel, and concluded that the French sudden withdrawal from the Operation amidst their diplomatic brawl with Mali and Burkina Faso portend significant implications to the security and stability of the Sahel, especially when considered the fragile political governance systems of the Sahel states, most of which are former French colonies, the future of CTCOIN in the region and the rising increase of jihadist insurgency and their transnational terrorist allies supporting their agenda in the Sahel. The study recommends amongst others that the G-5 Sahel countries should as a matter of priority settle France’s diplomatic face-off with Mali and Burkina Faso so as to strengthen their support from EU partners in CTCOIN efforts in the Sahel; and that the AU and the sub-regional bodies in the Sahel such as the G-5 Sahel, ECOWAS and ECCAS should intensify engagements with strategic partners within and outside Africa to mobilize resources and assets needed in the joint fight against transnational terrorism and insurgencies in the Sahel.


Counterterrorism, Counterinsurgency, Intervention Force, Insurgency, Security and Stability, and Terrorism.

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