This research work seek to explore the effect of business environment on entrepreneurial performance of small and medium enterprises in South East, Nigeria. It is specifically focused on technology and three indices for entrepreneurial performance namely, productivity, profitability and asset growth to establish if technology impacts on small and medium enterprises in South East, Nigeria. To guide the study three objectives were set. From these study’s three objectives came three research questions and three hypotheses. The study had primarily relied on the questionnaire instrument and personal interview to generate data. A sample size of 400 was drawn from a frame of small and medium enterprises in South East, Nigeria. The data generated were presented and analyzed descriptively using simple frequencies, percentage and mean. Applying regressing analysis technique, the three hypotheses were rejected. The spearman correlation coefficient analysis at 5% level of significance for non-parametric data told the degree of correlation between the variables. Hence, the study concluded that technology impacts on entrepreneurial performance of small and medium enterprises in South East, Nigeria. The study therefore recommended among others that the government should put in place adequate technological infrastructure in partnership with the private in order to facilitate small and medium enterprises in South East, Nigeria. Since it is noted, that technology is a key driver in the global business economy. This is revealed in this study that e-commerce reduces cost, promotes competition in a vendor centered market place that has no geographical boundaries.
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