Environmental challenges arising from improper disposal of solid waste are now major issues in many Nigerian urban cities and rural communities, including Onitsha and Awka in Anambra State. Among the things the challenges have done, is raise the questions as to whether residents of Awka and Onitsha are aware that such improper disposal can endanger people’s health and lives and what they stand to gain if they start disposing of their solid waste properly. It is to help answer these questions that the researcher decided to conduct a study on the “Awareness and Compliance of Anambra Residents to Media Campaigns on the Prevention of Improper Disposal of Solid Waste”. This study, was aimed at finding out Onitsha and Awka residents’ medium of exposure to campaigns on the prevention of improper disposal of solid waste, their level of awareness of the selected campaigns on the prevention of improper disposal of solid waste, their level of compliance to the campaigns on the prevention of improper disposal of solid waste and the extent the selected campaigns make them dispose of their solid wastes properly. To explain this study and achieve the objectives, the researcher adopted the agenda-setting theory, health belief model and the theory of planned behaviour and used the descriptive survey design, respectively. She determined the samples of four hundred (400) using Taro Yamane formula and selected the samples using multi-stage sampling procedure and convenience sampling technique. Frequency tables and simple percentages were used to analyze the findings of this study. From this study, the researcher found, among others, that residents of the Onitsha and Awka residents have a high level of awareness of campaigns on the prevention of improper disposal of solid waste. Based on the findings of the researcher, she recommended, among others, that Anambra State Government should continue with its campaigns on the prevention of improper disposal of solid waste and work to gain the trust of residents of the State.
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