Yahaya Mohammad Sulaiman


Risk management in information digital information in distance learning programme is considered in this paper. The significance of NOUN as an open distance learning based higher education institution is pointed out. Threats and risks related to digital information resources were discussed and the significance of risk management in organizations is pointed out, with reference to the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). The study adopts a purely qualitative method using a purposive approach. Data was collected through interviews with the 6 targeted respondents. The study has sought to examine whether the institution has a well-laid enterprise risk management set out.  Judging from the findings, ICT specialists among the personnel possessed competencies required in ICT risk management as well as proper maintenance of the ICT facilities. The assessment revealed that risk identification carries out to identify threats to digital information resources indicated that the risk is at low levels. Also, necessary measures are swiftly taken on threats identified due to risk assessment. Therefore, in most cases, the risks are at the tolerant level. To guard against any form of threats, the interviewees responded that risk management framework and strategies have been put in place. The study recommends that NOUN should intensify efforts in updating software, enlightenment on IT policies and understanding legal obligations on risk management. Personnel training on the diversity and complexity of cyber threats and related IT crime should also be a high priority of the institution.


National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Open and distance learning (ODL) risk management, Digital Information Resources

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