Josiah Sabo Kente, Hannatu Wyorkson


Information and Communication Technology, internet skills and access have become a vital resource in contemporary society and improved the quality of live. However, there exists a gap, otherwise referred to as digital divide between the users of the technologies. This can be attributed to a distinction of people who do and do not have access to information and communication technologies. The concept of the digital divide stems from a comparative perspective of social and information inequality of skills and usage, considering the fact that there are benefits associated with ICT access. Hence, this study aims to identify the causes of the digital divide, its effects on remote communities, bridging the divide and devising strategies to increase access to technology in affected communities in Kaduna State. A qualitative research approach which was based on the digital divide theory was employed for in-depth insight into the study. The study used a purposive sampling technique to recruit a total of 30 participants for a focused group discussion. According to the findings, the digital divide in Kaduna remote communities is caused by poverty and infrastructural inequalities between rural and urban dwellers. Findings also show that the threats posed by the digital divide call for an all-inclusive approach that should result in improved economic development. It is recommended that closing the digital divide is critical to making socio-economic growth more equitable and sustainable. It is critical to bridge the ever-widening digital divide that exists between Africa and the rest of the globe, as well as inside and between African states, communities and people.


Digital divide, Digital technology, Telecommunication, Remote communities

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