Ebunuwele Grace Eseohe, Zuwaira Ahmed Abubakar, Rachael Ekeikhomen Osawele


This study examines the leadership styles present at Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic Library, Zaria, Kaduna State, and their impact on employee productivity and performance. Adopting a survey research design, the study encompassed all 28 staff members in the library, utilizing total enumeration for comprehensive representation. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed diverse perceptions of leadership styles, with 44% of respondents identifying task-oriented leadership, 20% recognizing democratic leadership, and smaller proportions indicating human-centered (16%) and situational styles (12%). The study also highlighted the multifaceted impact of leadership on staff performance, emphasizing enhanced motivation (24%), improved staff relations (24%), and a conducive work environment (16%). These findings underscore the critical role of leadership in shaping organizational culture and achieving institutional goals. Recommendations include adopting a balanced leadership approach that integrates goal-driven strategies with participatory decision-making and prioritizing staff development to foster productivity and engagement. This study provides valuable insights into the interplay between leadership and employee performance in academic libraries.


Leadership styles, employee productivity, academic libraries, organizational culture

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