There are few things that affect human lives as much as organizations. We focus on organizations for education, employment, food, clothing, housing, health, wealth, entertainment, travel and more. They touch every aspect of human life, from birth to death. But most of us have an informal attitude towards organizations. We recognize their importance if they do not deliver us their goods and services. In the current competitive environment, organizations need to reorient themselves to face new challenges. Organizational Behavior (O.B) plays a crucial role in this era of superior technological progress and great uncertainty. Most people are born and learned in organizations and acquire most of the physical properties of organizations and die as members of organizations. Human activities are organized by the different organizations that make up our governments. Most adults spend most of their lives working in organizations. As organizations influence our lives, we have every reason to be concerned about how and why these organizations exist. This study examines the importance, components and role of management in today's changing global environment, environmental issues and new challenges in organizational behavior.
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