Beatrice Chidiebere Emenari, Victoria Obianuju Ezejiofor, Chukwudi Clement Okpara


The objective of this paper is to analyze the opportunities and challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution for libraries in their delivery of library services. The method used for this paper is theoretical procedures/process of research. From the literatures that were x-rayed, the observations found were that the 4th Industrial Revolution era has brought imminent changes to the globe and her individual economies, and it is evidenced that the libraries are the worst hit. This is because they provide useful and up to date information and library services to a wide range of users even in remote areas. The 4th IR has however exposed the deficiencies of most countries and her libraries in achieving this mandate of her knowledge reservoir – the libraries. Poor library funding, inadequate ICT policies and lack of retraining of library staff will make it hard for most libraries to shift to this new innovative era. However, there are general propositions on how to handle the disruptive changes that the 4th IR has brought but the specific description for the library to adopt to these changes are still unexplained. In this regard, this paper will discuss the opportunities of the 4th Industrial Revolution for libraries in their delivery of library services; and the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution for libraries in their delivery of library services. The paper concludes on the need for libraries to adopt and adapt to the realities of the 4th IR towards providing effective and efficient library services since they are an integral part of the society that surrounds it. The recommendations were that there should be adequate funding for the libraries to procure useful and relevant 4th IR facilities; and library staff needs to be provided with current training on the use and functionality of the 4th IR facilities to enable improve on their library service delivery


4th Industrial Revolution (4th IR), Libraries, Library services, Library staff

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