Sylvester Nwigwe Ogbueghu (PhD), Paul Ikechukwu Ifere (PhD)


The study investigated the utilization of information and communication Technology in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning of Economics in public secondary schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The study was a survey design guided by two research question and one null hypothesis. A total of 141 Economics teachers participated in the study. A duly validated 20-item questionnaire was used to collect relevant data for the study. Mean (x), standard deviation and t-test were used for data analysis. The study revealed a low utilization of ICT by Economics teachers in  the teaching of Economics subject in the secondary schools and this was consistent between the Economics teachers in the urban and rural areas.  A number of approaches for improving the utilization of ICT by Economics teachers were enumerated and analysed. It was recommended that schools and Economics teachers should embark on self-help efforts to acquire and use these ICT tools for effective teaching and learning of Economics.


Information and Communication Technology, Economics and Secondary Schools.

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