This study investigated the extent of enhancement of job performance of Economics teachers in Secondary Schools through motivational factors in Ebonyi State. The study was guide by three research questions. The design of this study was descriptive survey research. The population of the study comprised 360 Economics teachers serving in 221 public secondary schools in which 150 teachers at the rate of 50 each from the three education zones of the State were randomly sampled. The instrument for the data collection was a structured questionnaire titled: Extent of enhancement of job performance of Economics teachers by motivational factors Questionnaire (EEJPETMFQ). Data collected for this study were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the three research questions . The finding of the study revealed that remunerations/welfare package, retraining of Economics teachers through workshop/seminar, and promotion/advancement after obtaining higher qualification enhanced job performance of Economics teachers. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that State and Federal governments should take cognizance of motivational factors in terms of remuneration/welfare package, promotion, and other incentives for teacher in order to enhance their job performance.
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