(Prof) Yemisi Temilola Babalola, Khali Allahmagani


The study investigates the influence of institutional support on librarian’s research productivity in North-West, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted to determine the influence of intuitional support on librarian’s research productivity, public universities, North-West, Nigeria. Study population was derived from 376 librarians working in 18 public universities in North-West, Nigeria. A sample size of 213 respondents was determined through Taro Yamane sampling formular while the stratified sampling technique was used to select each respondent from the university being studied. The researcher developed a self-constructed questionnaire and administered 30 copies of questionnaire as pretest at Tafawa Balewa university. Construct reliability and ethical consent was sought at Babcock university. The response rate of the questionnaire was 85.5%. Study findings revealed that the level of institutional support to librarians was high and institutional support has significant influence on librarian’s research productivity. The study recommended that university management should harness its resources to collectively fund, train and formulate policies that encourages research productivity of academic librarians in North-West, Nigeria.


Institutional support, Research productivity, Academic librarians, Funding, Public universities

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