This research tends to analyse the perception and attitudes of SMEs towards commercial banks services. This research will be an important tool for commercial banks in that it will help in reviewing their SME programmes. The results of the study are presented in two broad areas, namely perceptions of SME towards commercial banks and factors deemed important in building relationships. The survey method was employed in the course of the study and questionnaire was used for primary data collection. From the findings of this research, the study concludes that the SME sector cannot be treated as being similar as within this group differences exists. It is clear from the study that the SMEs from rural areas tend to have more negative perceptions on the services offered by commercial banks than their counterparts in the urban areas. The study however, recommends that further information is needed to assist both banks and SMEs to build long-term dyadic business relationships. This will define information to be exchanged, needed behaviour from both parties and the benefits to be realised by both.
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