John O. Asogwa


Political godfatherism is one of the factors that embedded democratic setting in Nigeria since first republic. In view of this, this research work is primari1y designed to examine democracy and politics of godfatherism in Nigeria with emphasis on its effects and way forward. The study) adopts primary and secondary data to analyze some critical: issues, like political violence, vote buying, disenfranchisement and some other political and socio-cultural factors that embedded democratic setting in Nigeria since 1999 till current political dispensation engaged by godfathers and godsons. The study further explores the relationship between godfathers and godsons with a particular attention to who become the next strongmen in the area of politics and who retains the’ status quo. This study examines some key concepts, such as democracy, political violence and political godfatherism. Finally, the study concludes with recommendations in order to ensure good governance and political stability in Nigeria.


Politics, democracy, godfatherism, good governance and political stability

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The Nation, April, 11, 2011. Pg 3& 12

The Nation, April, 12, 2011. Pg 9

The Nation, April 14., 2011. Pg 2

The Nation, April 20, 2011. Pg7

The Nation April, 21, 2011: Pg6.

Next, Tuesday, May 31, 2011


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