Nkechi Judith Ezenwamadu


The use of folklore (such as proverbs, riddles, folksongs, tales and poetry) has generally influenced African literature. But there have been few studies about the use of Igbo proverbs in Literature. The reason for this paucity could be linked to the degradation of Igbo language as a result of colonialism. Colonial education discouraged the learning of indigenous languages. This is true of Igbo. Students who went to top mission secondary schools were not allowed to use the vernacular in school. This perhaps explains why Chinua Achebe and a host of other Igbo elites for instance, consciously took Igbo proverbs, synthesized and wove them into the fabrics of their literary works. Despite the effort in the use of Igbo proverbs by some Igbo novelists, plays have not received much attention. Zulu Sofola, the first Nigerian female playwright, has managed to use and codify Igbo proverbs in some of her plays. She uses Igbo proverbs for a variety of reasons: to embellish the plot of her plays, to exhort her characters, to satirize vices (foolishness and pride) and to expose to the world Igbo cultural values. The aim of this study therefore is to x- ray the use of Igbo proverbs in Zulu Sofola’s KING EMENE. The play has been selected because it is Zulu Sofola’s play that adequately makes use of Igbo cultural background and proverbs.

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Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. London: Heinemann, 1958.

Afigbo, A.E. An Outline of Igbo History. Owerri: RADA Publishing Company, 1996.

Amankulor, J.N. “Festival Drama in Traditional Africa: An Essay in Dramatic Theory”. Kiabara: Journal of the Humanities. 3,2 (Harmattan), 1980.

Dike, Onwuka Kenneth. Trade and Politics in the Niger Delta, 1830-1885: An Introduction to the Economic and Political History of Nigeria. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.

Ifemesia, Chieka. “Traditional Humane Living among the Igbo”. A Historical Perspective. Enugu: Fourth Dimension, 1979.

Isichei, Elizabeth. A History of the Igbo People. London: Macmillian, 1976.

Sofola, Zulu. King Emene. London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1974.


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