Priye Werigbelegha Andabai, Jasmine Okponanabofa Tamunosiki-Amadi


The study examined the issues and challenges of project management and evaluation in Nigeria. The study revealed that the problem of project management and evaluation is occasioned by poor funding, corruption, inadequate equipment to execute the projects, absence of technical expertise, poor project analysis, inability to implement the formulated policies, economic and political instability and environmental problems. Hence, the study concluded that the issue of project management and evaluation in Nigeria had not been significantly achieved as a result of internal and external variables. The study recommended that effective and efficient research institutes should be established towards developing locally construction materials which will serve as a substitute for foreign products. The bureaucracy that has entrenched in all government businesses should be controlled as far as government projects are concerned, so as not to become inefficient and unproductive. Stringent rules and regulations should be put in place to eliminate sharp practices and promote professionalism in design and construction firms in the country. Project management and evaluation offices should be established across in all the government institutions with the aim of monitoring and controlling the projects embarked upon by various government departments, agencies and parastatals in Nigeria. Thus, this will enhance efficient and effective application of project management and evaluation tools and techniques.


Issues, challenges, project management, Nigeria, and theoretical perspective.

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