John O. Asogwa


The process of making public policies is often influenced by a number of factors and consideration, one of which is public opinion. But the relationship between public opinion and the public policy is a difficult one. This paper critically assessed the role of public opinion in the public policy making process in Nigeria, and while it is acknowledged that responsive and genuinely democratic governments are hugely sensitive to the opinions of the citizens on issues of public policy, it is argued that this is not the case in Nigeria. It is contended that the opinion of the Nigeria masses sometimes impinge on the public policy-making process, and the public policy churned out of this process are often designed to promote, and protect the class interest of those who control the Nigeria State. It is concluded that the extreme poverty and illiteracy which pervade the Nigeria society have emasculated and disempowered the majority of the people and made them inconsequential observers in the policymaking process in the country.


public policy, public opinion, Nigeria and democratic government

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