Angela Amaka Ekwesianya


This study examined some school factors as correlate of teachers’ classroom management effectiveness in Nnewi Education Zone of Anambra State. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The researcher adopted a correlational design for this study. The population of the study is made up of all the 8,150 SS2 students in the 50 public senior secondary schools in the four LGAs that make up Nnewi Education Zone of Anambra State. The sample for this study is made up of 600 SS2 students from 24 schools. 150 students were sampled from each of the 4 LGAs. This was sampled using proportionate cluster sampling technique. The researcher used a school demographic record and a rating scale as the research instruments. The school demographic record was used to obtain data on the school factors while the rating scale was used to obtain information on teachers’ classroom management effectiveness with 20 items in a four point scale. To ensure face validity of the instrument, the initial draft of the instrument was scrutinised by three experts in Educational Measurement and Evaluation. The Cronbach alpha reliability of the instrument was established as 0.85 which indicated that the instrument is reliable for the study. Research questions were answered using the Cramer’s V statistics and the hypotheses were tested using the (Chi-Square) (X2) test of independence statistics. Each test was done at an alpha level of 0.05. The findings of this study revealed that the coefficient of the relationship between teachers’ gender and their classroom management effectiveness in Nnewi Education Zone of Anambra State is very low. Also, there is a very low relationship between school location and teachers’ classroom management effectiveness. The study also established that students’ level of agreement on classroom management effectiveness significantly depends on school location. It was recommended that school administrators should ensure that they regularly organize seminars aimed at intermittent training of male and female teachers irrespective of their school location on these classroom management techniques as a result of their importance in teaching and learning process.


Classroom Management, Effectiveness, Gender, Location

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