Maris Maria Best-Njoku, Chinonye E. Ugonna, Ikechukwu A. Ugonna


It has been observed that most individuals who put their active service in work end up as unhappy retirees, this situation is mostly seen on those individuals who do not have prior knowledge and preparedness towards retirement. This study therefore investigated on the knowledge and preparation of Nigerian employees towards retirement using IMSUBEB as the case study. The purpose of the study is to find out employees level of awareness and preparedness towards retirement. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study and a quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. Seventy subjects were drawn for the study using simple random sampling. The population comprised of all the employees in Imo state Ministry of Education. A researcher made instrument ERKPC was used for the study, retirement counselling package was used as a technique for helping the participant. The data was analyzed using simple percentage. Result showed that the retirement conselling package used was effective in creating awareness as well as assist the employees to have prior retirement preparation. Conclusion was drawn and recommendations made which include among others that retirement counselling package should be used in different work establishment to assist in-service employees be aware as well as prepare for their retirement stage prior to their retirement time.

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