Joseph Chike Ajadike


Global energy systems since the Industrial Revolution of the 1750 has been dominated by fossil fuels especially coal, petroleum and natural gas as well as nuclear power and large dams of more than 50 mega watts capacity. But this paper shows that coal, petroleum and natural gas, nuclear power and large dams have serious environmental risks and challenges. Fossil fuels pollute waters of the earth and fouls the air that envelopes the earth and hence create very serious environmental and health issues to the inhabits. One of the clear risks of massive use of fossil fuels on earth is the increasing trapping of heat by some gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane collectively called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases lead to global warming and anthropogenic stimulated climate change. Climate change is now posing serious environmental and developmental challenges and this paper is recommending that the only way to avoid catastrophic climate change from happening across the world is to transit from global economy based on fossil fuels to the one that is based on renewable energy systems.


Risks, Challenges, Fossil fuels, Incentives, Investment and Renewable Energy

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