ICT and internet gadgets are known as tools for faster growth and development in modern world. Many people are using internet advantages which have caused faster and easier access to communication facilities. However, some users have become much addicted to the use of internet for personal activities during working hour and this has constituted employee work deviants and threatens their performance. Hence, the study examines the effect of cyberloafing on the performance of employees among deposit money banks in Kaduna metropolis. A survey research design was used and data were collected by using instruments adapted from past studies. The study population is 440 staff of deposit money banks in Kaduna metropolis and a sample size of 205 staff was taken using Krajcie and Morgan sample size table. In order to provide for non-responses, the researcher and assistants distributed 267 questionnaires by hand to participants sampled systematically. Only 248 were returned valid and usable. The study utilized partial least square structural equation modelling PLS-SEM through Smartpls 2 software. Three hypotheses were formulated for testing. The result confirmed that both informational andsocial loafing have significant negative effect on performance. Leisure loafing has no significant effect on performance. The study therefore recommended that the management should incorporate a cohesive policy tailored to control internet usage in the workplace. Managers may also benefit if they hire employees that are less prone to engage in cyberloafing behaviours since several human behavioural traits have been identified to contribute to cyberloafing behaviours.
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