Timothy Ekeledirichukwu Onyejelem


Photographs are representations of images used for communication on newspapers. They evoke readers’ feelings and excite emotions on the presented issue. How newspaper readers in Onitsha respond to photographs dealing with violence, like the Fulani herdsmen attack on Agatu communities in Benue State, is investigated in this study. The survey research method was used to evaluate the reactions of 369 respondents, determined through the Topman’s formular, to the violence depicted in Sun and The Guardian newspapers. It was found that clarification of information stimulated consumption desire for photographs; photographs that aid news stories in the intensification of media experience aroused the greatest emotion than those that stand alone. Content presentation perspective was found to influence readers’ attitude towards the presented issue. Public agenda arising from the photographs aroused emotional dispositions. It was recommended that caution should prevail in presenting violent photographs, capable of inciting reprisal reactions. Objectivity is also advocated in balanced reporting of violence with photographs because sensationalism could impede national security resulting from emotions


Photograph, framing, emotion, violence

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