Marius Ndubisi Ugochukwu, Davies Ojeaga Ogbeide Egheosase


This paper examined the impact of hazard management practices on organizational performance, involving four dimensions of improved management/employees safety practices; enhanced productivity; increased profitability; and reduced accident rates in three Companies (Cutix Plc.; Chicason Group; and Ibeto Cement) in Nnewi, Anambra State. Hazard management through job analysis represents a process of identifying potential hazards in job activities and assessing the potential effects on employees, organizational assets, and the environment generally. It takes anchorage on the theory that effective hazard management through sound job hazard analysis at the task level in organizations has an influence not only on employee performance, but also, on organizational performance through enhancement of productivity and profitability, as well as reduction of accident rates. The paper posits that if organizations foster and maintain an effective hazard management practices through comprehensive job hazard analysis, there is likely to be an improvement in organizational performance. To accomplish this, organizational employees must be in a position to efficiently and effectively discharge their respective tasks. This, to a great extent, depends on the level of institutionalized safety practices in the workplace.


Hazard Management; organizational performance; safety practices; job hazard analysis

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