Ugochukwu C. Ogbogu, Esther I. Odife


The study investigated parental style as a predictor of Alexithymia among adolescence using a Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) and Toronto Alexithymia scale (TAS) as measuring instruments. A cross sectional Survey design was adopted using a sample of two hundred (200) adolescents systematically random sampled from St. John’s Secondary School Awka and Comprehensive College Nawfia, Anambra State with their age ranged between 15 – 21 years and average mean (  of 18. Multiple regression analysis (enter method) was used for the data analysis as statistical package. The result showed that authoritative parental style, except for permissive parental style predicted alexithymia among adolescences. The Beta (β) co-efficient for authoritative are DDF =  .07, DIF =  .02, EOT= 16*, P<.05, permissive DDF = .22*, DIF = .18*, EOT = .12, P<.05, Discussion of the results together with recommendation were made.


Parental style, Alexithymia and Adolescence

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