Attaining credibility in news has been a huge discourse among scholars, journalists and media audience. This study sought to find out audience perception of credible means of reporting news between pictures and news stories. To achieve the objectives of this study, purposive sampling method was employed to gather data from respondents using a structured questionnaire. Findings from the study indicated that majority of the respondents agreed that pictures and news are both good means of reporting credible news, however, majority of respondents agreed that the use of pictures to complement news reports, authenticates a story more compared to when a story appears alone. The paper concluded that when media organizations embrace the practice of accompanying news stories with pictures, they have a better chance of improving organizational credibility, source credibility and message credibility which in turn endears the news organization to media audiences. The paper therefore recommended that pictures should accompany news reports as this strengthens the credibility of news stories. Also, it is important to indicate ‘archive’ on pictures and news video that are not recent but are used to accompany news stories.
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