Bernice Sanusi (PhD), Omowale Adelabu (PhD), Oluwafunmilayo Shodipe, Esther Adejmo


This study examined Funding Campus Radio in Nigeria: the Opportunities and Challenges. The objectives was to  identify the funding options available for campus radio;  to ascertain the opportunities to funding campus radio in Nigeria and to identify the challenges to funding a campus radio in Nigeria. Technological Determinism Theory and Nested System Broadcasting Model were adopted for the study. The paper adopted the survey method with interview as instrument for data collection. Two station managers who were willing to participate in the study were purposively chosen among the 12 available for the study finding showed that inadequate funding were major challenge faced by the two stations. Campus radio broadcasting falls under the not-for-profit classification along with community broadcasting, hence, there are restrictions on which area they can source for income.  The researchers recommended the adoption of a new broadcasting model that would help campus broadcasters overcome the funding challenges they are currently faced and facilitate a thriving broadcasting eco-system in Nigeria.


Community Radio, Campus Radio, Sustainability, Nigeria

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