Bolanle Jolapamo, Lydia Oko-Epelle, Sunday Adeagbo


This study examined the perception of communication scholar on their preference of communication research approach with the objectives to: ascertain the type of research approach communication scholars adopt in scientific research, and know what influences or stimulates the choice of the research approach adopted by communication scholars.  The study adopted survey design as means of investigation. Online questionnaire was structured for data collection. Census was adopted for the study where 28 respondents who are lecturers were drawn from Fountain University, Osogbo, Redeemer’s University, Ede, and Osun State Polytechnic, Iree. Study revealed that mass communication scholar adopts mixed-method in their approach in addressing communication research as survey was revealed to be the most adopted design; and that communication scholars’ preference for a research approach is often determined by the nature of research a scholar is embarking on for easy comprehension of data collected. It was recommended therefore that scholars should continue to encourage one another to continually adopt the mixed-method approach with other designs such as KAP, FGD etc.   


Communication Research, Mixed-method, Qualitative Research, Quantitative research, Scholars

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