Alexander Anichie, Emeka Nwosuji


The agricultural sector of every nation is very important to the well being of the nations economy because it provides the basic necessities of life-food and fibre. However, this study emphasizes on the impact of NEEDS on the Nigerian agricultural sector. The problem is  that Nigeria's agricultural sector has not been able to keep up with the task of sufficiently providing food needs of the citizens. Several reasons are responsible for this amongst which are poor individuals and Government investments and a deliberate negligence of the sector. The objective of the study is to analyze the implications of NEEDS reforms in the agricultural sector. Six research questions were raised for the study while one hypothesis was formulated. The descriptive and survey research design was adopted for the study with a sample size of (60). The questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection. CHI-SQUARE (X2) method was used to analyze the hypothesis. Some of the findings is that government should reverse back to agriculture after so many years of neglect, and after many years of failed instituted reforms programs. The reforms towards agricultural sector development under NEEDS are feasible but they have not yielded expected results so far. Poor planning coordination and inappropriate approaches to the implementation of these reforms are some limitations to strategic effectiveness. Based on these findings, recommendations were made such as the use of essential programs and schemes through effective policies and strategies, supportive infrastructures and sufficient Agricultural financing amongst the study recommendations.


Agricultural sector; NEEDS; Government; Economy

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