Gabriel Favour Eke, Felix Sado Osayande Osaghae


The paper discusses the gender problems in Nigeria. It tries to explain the problem inherent in the exclusion of women folk in the Nigerian political system in the democratic dispensation and economic development of the nation. The paper unraveled the issue of marginalization and discrimination and went on to analyze the percentage of women that have held political positions in different administrations in Nigeria. It came up with the view that only Jonathan Goodluck administration that favoured women in Nigeria. The paper was of the opinion that it is because of this gender problem that the United Nations in 1975 declared it the international year for women, supported by Beijing affirmative support. In conclusion, the paper stated that the women if given their rightful place in politics could rise to the top like other women in advanced countries of the world. The paper gave a way forward which among others, is that the government of Nigeria should give more support to the National women strategy for the well being of the women. 


Nigeria; Gender; discrimination; political exclusion; affirmative declaration

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