Olusegun W. Ojomo, Tejuoso Wasiu, Jonathan Olajide


This study is an “evaluation of the effectiveness of broadcast media as tools for creating awareness on polio vaccination among two Hausa communities in Ogun State. The researchers adopted the survey analytical method. The research questions that guided the stud include: How effective are broadcast media as  tools for creating awareness on polio vaccination among Hausa communities in Ogun State? To what extent are Hausa communities in Ogun state aware about polio vaccination awareness broadcast messages? The study revolved around the Agenda Setting and Social Responsibility Theories. The study population comprised two Hausa communities in Abeokuta and Sagamu areas of Ogun State. Questionnaires were administered on 100 respondents to elicit data which were analyzed using Statistical Product and Service Solutions  (SPSS), while formulated hypotheses were tested using Chi-square. The findings revealed  that  65.0% of the respondents believed that broadcast media messages were effective in creating awareness on polio vaccination. 43.8% of the respondents were uncertain about their level of awareness about polio vaccination, while 25.0% had low level of awareness about polio vaccination. Recommendations made based on findings include: Efforts should be made by relevant authorities to create awareness about polio vaccination on regular basis to increase awareness level among the Hausa communities in Ogun State; Other platforms, such as community group discussions at religious gatherings and markets, as well as community media should be utilized to create awareness on polio vaccination. The communication should be in the indigenous languages of the target aedicule.

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