This study investigated the effect of leadership style on health information professionals in university of Ilorin teaching hospital, Nigeria. Survey research design was used for the study. The population was 89 health information professionals in the university teaching hospitals in Ilorin, Nigeria. Total enumeration was adopted for the study. The study used convenience sampling method to select respondents. Structured and validated questionnaires were used to collect data. A return rate of 88% was achieved respectively for the health information professionals. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings showed that prevalent leadership style adopted in university teaching hospitals in Ilorin, Nigeria was transactional (x̅=2.90), followed by transformational (x̅=2.67) and laissez-faire (x̅=2.50). Transactional leadership style was employed in the university teaching hospitals by monitoring to ensure jobs were performed diligently (x̅=3.16), by always setting clear goals to strictly follow up (x̅=3.07) and by knowing the right time to reward (x̅=2.68). The study concluded that leadership style did not predict quality service delivery of health information professionals in Ilorin, Nigeria. The study recommended that mixed leadership style was employed and the prevalent leadership style is transactional. Therefore, the Nigerian government should establish leadership training programmes for leaders of university teaching hospitals in North-central, Nigeria on how to embrace other leadership styles such as transformational style which will make the leaders have the interest of subordinates at heart, encourage employees to take ownership of their work and subordinates to take part in decision making.
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