Samuel Obioha Okoro (PhD)


It is a well-established fact that Economics in the recent time is becoming a highly quantitative subject, borrowing a lot from mathematics. Disappointingly, not all students in Nigeria are aware of this feature of microeconomics programme, given that the mode lesson delivery is discursive and text-based rather than the use of analytical models. In a situation where teaching methodology departs clearly from the nature of the subject, it creates some learning difficulties, and poor performances, consequently watering down the quality of Economic graduates in the labour market. These learning difficulties are sometimes seen as students quit their programme of studies at the Department of Economics in our College, for other programmes, in say, political science or Social Studies. This becomes easy because of less stringent measures in the change of study programmes  in the College.  In order to arrest the declining students’ population in the Department of Economics, and also retain and improve students’ academic quality there is the need to re-examine Lecturer’s teaching methodology with a view to reducing the difficulties encountered by the students in the teaching and learning of microeconomics. To this end, this research work is geared towards developing microeconomics models for active and effective lesson delivery.  In doing this, two objectives were stated with a corresponding two null hypotheses and their alternatives. Sign test statistical analysis was applied on the hypotheses. The result suggests that there is significant difference in the student’s perception of their learning abilities when mathematical and graphic models are predominantly used in the teaching of microeconomics lessons as opposed to the presentation of learning materials in a lecture format. This work recommends that desperate effort should be made in helping to improve mathematical ability of students more especially at the early stage of their study programme.

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