Even as studies have reported high prevalence substance use and its effects neuro-cognitive ability of police officers, further observations reveal that police officers particularly in Enugu metropolis involve in abuse of substance resulting to impairments on their Neuro -ability, resulting to disruptions in the discharge of their duties. This study therefore investigates the effects of substance abuse on the neuro-cognitive ability of police officers drawn from three police stations in Enugu metropolis. Purposive sampling technique was used and a total of 300 participant's who met the inclusion criteria were used. Two instruments were used including Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Substance Abuse Scale. Using paired sample t-test and pearson product moment correlation analysis, the result showed that there was a significant difference between those who use substance and those who do not on neuro-cognitive ability of police officers in Enugu metropolis. The result further shows that those who scored high on substance use significantly scored low on neuro-cognitive ability and vice versa. Findings were discussed in line with the related literature and conclusions were drawn with relevant recommendations.
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