Mohammed Mustapha Namadi


Aging individuals are now living longer with increasing life expectancy and availability of better health facilities but are also requiring more assistance or care to manage their day to day activities. Family members have long provided care for aging and older adults at home, especially in low and middle-income countries. This study examines the interaction patterns and perceived care satisfaction among the family caregivers and the elderly care recipients in Kano Municipal local government area of Kano State. A sample size of 200 respondents comprising of family caregivers and care recipients was drawn using a multistage and purposive sampling techniques. The data were collected using questionnaire and in-depth interviews; analyzed using Statistical package of Social Sciences (SPSS) and content analysis. The findings of the study reveal that a significant number of caregivers had up to secondary level educational attainment followed by primary level. However, a relatively smaller percentage of them had tertiary level education. Majority of the family caregivers reported moderate level of satisfaction as perceived by care receivers. However a substantial percentage of the female caregivers reported that their respective care receivers were highly satisfied with the care provided to them. The findings also indicate that reciprocity and obligation are the interaction patterns that motivated the family caregivers to provide continuous care to their elderly family members. Most of the elderly care recipients also implicitly indicated that self-care opportunities in the caring process were desirable. The study recommends the creation of caregivers’ support services in order to reduce the burden, strain, and depression family caregivers’ experience. 


Pattern; relationship; elderly; caregiving; family caregivers and elderly care recipients

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