Okechuwkwu Nzeadibe


Web-based Instruction are applications that runs on World Wide Web and are useful for effective teaching of various subjects in schools and colleges. This study explore the effectiveness of Web-based instruction in teaching of Economics to undergraduate students. It is a survey research consisting of 35 undergraduate students of Abia State College of Education (Technical) Arochukwu taught with Web-based Instruction applications and later asked to complete a questionnaire to get a feedback on their experience when using the application to learn various economics topics such as Micro economics, Micro economics and Business finance. Responses obtained from them were analyzed using simple mean and results were further interpreted. The outcome of the study shows that there is improvement in learning of Economics in terms of mastery of the topics when using Web-based Instructions. Also, students were able to develop personal skills while using the learning platforms. In conclusion, Web-based learning platform is recommended for learning economics among undergraduate students of the college.


Web-Based Instruction, learning methods, World Wide Web

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