This study explored the relevance of community policing as a strategy for safeguarding lives and property in Imo state, Nigeria, amidst increasing acts of violence by groups like Boko Haram, bandits, armed robbers and secessionists. It questioned the relevance of community policing in addressing the growing insecurity in the region. The study hypothesized, among others, that a significant relationship exists between the perceived relevance of community policing and its performance, the research utilized a cross-sectional survey and mixed-method approach, employing Cochran's sample size formula to derive a sample size of 600 administered the questionnaire, after which 587copies were found useful for the analysis. In addition, in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions were also used. Descriptive analysis and Spearman correlation were used for the analysis and testing of hypotheses respectively, revealing a significant relationship between perceived relevance and performance in host communities. The study recommend, among others, prioritizing professional development for community police officers, urging governments and host communities to allocate resources for this purpose. This investment aims to equip officers with the necessary skills to address the unique challenges in their communities, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of community policing and public security in Imo state, Nigeria.
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