Praxede Egeonu


The focus of this study is the examination of impact and the challenges of the concept of globalization on the development of the continent of Africa. No concept in the lexicon of international political economy has attracted more discourses in the recent times than globalization. The world is becoming faster and faster and faster a global village because of the growth in political, social and economic spheres as well as in culture and information technology etc. Although globalization has evolved for many decades, yet, it is gaining more attention and prominence because of the ever growing interdependence of the world. Many scholars and commentators have viewed the impacts and challenges of globalization differently, but a point that is clear is that globalization has come to Africa and is a change whose time has come, hence it is phenomenally irresistible. This study is a qualitative research carried out empirically by the use of secondary data such as textbooks, Journals, newspapers, online publications and other periodicals etc and the adoption of content analysis. African nation are advised among other things to face the challenges of globalization and tap from the benefits accruing from it while resisting the negative aspects of the phenomenon. 


cold war; colonialism; development; deterrence; G.A.T.T; global village; globalization; I.C.T; imperialism; neo-colonialism; TNC; SAP UNCTAD; W.T.O

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